Saturday, September 24, 2005

produce galore!
(courtesy of my ever-favorite saturday morning farmer's market)

*more* honeycrisp. (yes, i know i'm obsessed)

senshu apples & asian pears

raisin challah

(blognote: for those of you who *really* didn't believe that i *love* pink, yes, it's true. i *do* have pink colanders & a pink cutting board.)

today's weekly trip to the farmer's market proved very fruitful (no pun intended). not only was i able to get some more honeycrisp apples, i also ventured up to the lincoln park farmer's market, and was able to get a different variety as well: senshu. now, i've never heard of 'senshu apples' before today, but they sound promising: a very good, but not too 'apple-y' tasting apple.

and as for the raisin challah? *excellent*. i've *got* to get another one of those next week.

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